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Angela N BlountAngela N. Blount is a Minnesota native, transplanted to the deep South–where she currently resides with her understanding husband, their two children, and a set of identity-confused cats. She is a former book reviewer for RT Book Reviews, a Memoirist (though, not much a fan of referring to herself in first-person *cough*), freelance editor, craft blogger, sporadic poet, and webcomic artist.


Angela is an active PRO member of the RWA (Romance Writers of America), and was named a finalist in the 2012 Sheila, Laurie, and Orange Rose contests. Her YA romance, The Agreement, took first place in the 2012 OKRWA Finally A Bride contest.

Finally a Bride

In her spare time, Angela enjoys reading, painting, coffee shop loitering, and all things geeky.