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Tag Archives: writing

Music To My Muse

When someone is as ADD-addled as I happen to be, it’s difficult to concentrate on one particular task for an extended period of time. No matter how passionate you may be about said task, thoughts always end up ricocheting around your brain in their own little game of synaptic Pinball. It can’t be helped. One […]

The Old and The New

I finished the memoir on the 8th of January. I feel like I had another child; I keep having people ask me the stats. For my completed clean draft, it shook out to 33 chapters and approximately 162k words. Yes, that’s a big book. I’m somewhat heartened to consider it only took me a year […]

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Under most circumstances, banal platitudes are a pet peeve of mine. However, for the last few weeks I’ve been reexamining the deeper implications of one of the earliest sayings to be instilled in me: ‘You are what you eat.’ Of course when I was a kid, I presumed this statement was little more than a […]