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To Contest, Or Not To Contest

I’ve been hitting the contest circuit again this year. And I’m pleased to say, my third year in the game is going much better than when I first started out. Of course, my initial attempts were more like firing a shotgun into a dark forest on a moonless night. There are a lot of things I wish I’d known–targets I didn’t think to aim for. So I’d like to take a moment in hopes of sparing someone else a bit of time, money, and frustration.
I’ve entered a few contests outside of the RWA, but personally, I wasn’t happy with those experiences. Primarily because, once you send your entry (and money) off, odds are you’ll never hear from them again (unless, of course, you happen to win.) RWA contests are hugely advantageous in that you will receive feedback to help you polish up those all-important first pages/chapters, even if you don’t final. So for the purposes of this post, I’ll be referring to RWA sponsored contests. But worry not–many of these contests are open to non-RWA members at a slightly higher entry fee.
If you haven’t heard of the site already, Stephanie Smith keeps an extensive and up-to-date list of writing competitions, both within and outside of the RWA:
Now that you can see what’s out there, you may be in the same position I was when I first laid eyes on this cornucopia of options: Overwhelmed.
But when it comes to deciding which contests might be worth it to you, it all comes down to doing your homework. Let’s start by considering some potential reasons for wanting to enter a contest in the first place…
*You are about to query your manuscript and want it in the best shape possible.
*You are querying your manuscript around, and have noticed one of your ‘dream agents’ is judging a relevant category in a certain contest. (Finaling would guarantee getting your MS in front of them.)
*You are querying, or about to start, and suspect placing in a contest would bolster your bio qualifications. (i.e. the bookworm equivalent of ‘street cred.’)
*You are a glutton for punishment in the form of literary criticism.
*You are just starting a manuscript, and would like some idea of how it may be received.
*You are hoping for the validation–some sign that you may be ready for publication.
*You are seeking fame and fortune. {Insert hysterical laughter here}

Whatever motivational reasons you come up with, you may want to write them down for later reference.

Now, to narrow your choices to those best suited, here’s a list of questions (all of which, the contest’s ‘Rules & Regulations’ section should answer.) You may want to design yourself a checklist.

Contest Screening Questions:

1. Does the contest have a category that fits your manuscript specifically?
(Some contests aren’t large enough or simply don’t have a judging pool that can support the slightly more peripheral genres like Young Adult, or Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Paranormal.)

2. How many pages does the contest call for?
You can expect a range from the first 5, up to the first 35 pages. Entry fees tend to vary accordingly. (Some contests focus on specific scenes, and can be a great tool to help you hone the impact of things like: The opening hook, The first meeting; The first kiss; The dark moment; etc.)

3. Which Editor or Agent will be judging the finalists in the genre you’re targeting?
(If the judge happens to be someone who has already rejected your work, there’s no sense in trying to get it in front of them again.)

4. What do they have to say about their first-round judges?
Are they trained/experienced? Can they promise at least one of them will be a published author?

5. Does the first-round scoring process involve dropping your lowest score?
(I generally recommend looking for this advantage when narrowing down your contest options. You just never know when one of your judges might have had a horrible day, and ends up inadvertently taking it out on their contest entrants. Nobody wants a fluke score to be the thing that crushes their chances.)

6. What do the formatting requirements look like?
(Mind the format requirements before you pay your entry fee: Most contests have a standard of 1-inch margins and Times New Roman/Courier, with a font size of 12 . . . but this isn’t always the case. Remember, a higher font size requirement will result in less of your manuscript being read.)

7. Does the contest allow a corrections period for finalists?
(It’s a tremendous bonus to be able to survey your first round judge comments and make adjustments before the final judge sees your work.)

And then there’s the consideration I’ll refer to as: The Swag Factor


Noun:    An ornamental festoon of flowers, fruit, and greenery: “ribbon-tied swags of flowers”.

noun.  loot – booty – spoil – prey – plunder

In short: What perks does the contest you’re considering have to offer its finalists and winners? The possibilities can range from a cash reward, to a frameable certificate, to a complementary badge or banner you can place on your website, to a membership/workshop discount, or even a 50-page critique by a renowned agent.

So how have contests helped (or not helped) you? Do you have any contest suggestions you’d like to pass on?


I Reject Your Rejection (and substitute a smiley face) :)

Most of you are aware that my first foray into Query-Land began a number of months ago. I knew it would be slow going for an untried author, despite the completed/edited manuscript (thank you, Zootie!) and stellar query letter (thank you, C.J. Redwine!). As I’ve been keeping up with my goal of active queries and responses have been trickling in, I’ve had the opportunity to compare notes with my RWA guildmates and make a few valuable observations…

I’ve also recently recalled something I’d repressed for years: This isn’t my first round with literary rejection.

When I was 13, I was coming off the high of having finished my first book. It was written by hand using 3 spiral bound notebooks, edited by the cutest boy in the entire 6th grade (Yes, I paid him. It was probably the only way I could get him to talk to me in the first place), and carried the title of: Island Of The White Rhinos. (Or something equally embarrassing like that.) And no, that manuscript will never again see the light of day. Not even for a good laugh.


Having realized I could actually complete something, my ambitious little self came across an article on how to get one’s work published. Deciding I should start small, I pulled out a poem I was very proud of and polished it up. I then compiled a list of magazines and non-profit organizations that could potentially make use of my piece, and sent them all letters explaining who I was and offering to let them use my poem for free. It was, after all, aimed at a heartfelt good cause.

I did include my age in the introductory letter–not so much because I thought anyone would be impressed by my prodigy-like efforts, but because I hoped it would garner me a little patience… Possibly even a dash of humoring inspired by pity.

If memory serves (which, it obviously didn’t until the flashbacks started) I sent out 11 letters with my poem, and received back 7 replies. All of them rejections. Kindly worded no-thank-yous, to be sure, but rejections all the same.

Let’s just say that my dermal and intestinal fortitude were both adversely affected.

After all, if nobody was interested in my work when I was giving it away, they’d certainly never pay me to produce more of it. And thus, my 13-year-old self decided to euthanize a budding dream. Four years later that dream would be resurrected into a zombie-like (yet operational) state by a well-meaning Creative Writing professor…but that’s getting into a story for a different post.

The point is, I’ve blazed this trail before. And I’m now much older, wiser, better equipped, and (as my husband will gladly attest) irrevocably bull-headed. There will be no throwing in the self-esteem towel this time around. I can now rebuff the notion that a query rejection is somehow a rejection of me as a human being. (Although, the bolstering encouragement from cohorts and loved one’s is still welcome. ^_^)

I’ve also realized that there seem to be six levels of response an author can expect when sending out one’s query. And here they are, just for fun–in order of desirability:

*The full manuscript request. (This doesn’t mean you’re in, but it means they’re legitimately interested. Go ahead and *squeeee!*)

* The partial request. (This is interest, but tentative. Polish those first 3 chapters until they shine. Discreet high-fives may be in order.)

*The personalized rejection (Not only is it addressed to you instead of ‘dear author’, but they’ve taken the time to give you some idea of why the project isn’t right for them. Cherish every word.)

*The form rejection. (Cut. Paste. Repeat. Hey, at least that means they spelled your name right.)

*The lazy form rejection. (From some underpaid secretary: Dear Author…whatever your name is.)

*The ‘no response means no.’ (A trend that is becoming increasingly common. If you find this a touch disrespectful, you’ll want to read all of an agent/editor’s submission guidelines carefully–they typically post a disclaimer about their response policy.)

Now, if you’re feeling brave, I’d love to hear about YOUR experience with rejection and how it’s shaped you. 🙂

Interview With Author Hailey Edwards

Today I’m interviewing Hailey Edwards, author of today’s freshly available ‘A Hint Of Frost.’ Don’t miss your chance to win a copy!
(According to the Name Draw app for Android, the winner of the e-copy of ‘Hint Of Frost’ is… RUBY! Congratulations, and please contact Hailey through the information listed at the end of this post.)

Hope dangles by a silken thread.
Araneae Nation, Book 1
Summary: When the head of the Araneidae clan is found poisoned in her nest, her eldest daughter, Lourdes, becomes their clan’s new maven. If her clan is to survive, she has but one choice: she must marry before her nest is seized. All she needs is a warrior fierce enough to protect her city and safeguard her clansmen. Such a male is Rhys the Cold.
Born the youngest son of an impoverished maven, the only things Rhys has to his name are his sword and his mercenary reputation. His clan is starving, but their fondness for the flesh of fellow Araneaeans makes them unwelcome dinner guests. Torn between loyalty to his clan and fascination with his future bride, Rhys’s first taste of Lourdes threatens to melt the cold encasing his heart.
Amid the chaos of battle, Lourdes’s sister disappears and is feared captured. Lourdes and Rhys pursue their enemies into the southlands, where they discover an odd plague ravaging southern clans as it travels north, to Erania. Determined to survive, Lourdes will discover whether she’s worth her silk or if she’s spun the thread by which her clan will hang.
Warning: This book contains one mercenary hero with a biting fetish, one determined heroine who gets nibbled, and an answer to the age-old question, “What does dragon taste like?” Matricide and sibling rivalry are available upon request. The house special is revenge, best served cold.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Author Bio: Hailey is a wife turned mother turned writer, who loves her husband, her daughter and alone time with her computer. Whenever southern living strikes her as too ordinary, she can be found squinting at her monitor as she writes her next happily-ever-after or with her nose glued to her Kindle’s screen. Wings and/or cupcakes are usually involved…

Hello Hailey, and welcome to the blog. 🙂 I’d like to wish you a very happy release day!
To start out, could you tell us a little bit about your journey toward publication?
“I started writing in January of 2009. I woke up one day and said, “I feel like writing a book today!” I had never written as much as a short story, so I had much more enthusiasm than skill at that point.
After about six months, I sold my first story. Six months after that, I sold my first novel. The acceptance letter for that novel made me cry. Samhain Publishing was my dream publisher, so to hear that they wanted Everlong was such a great feeling. I now have two series with Samhain, Daughters of Askara and Araneae Nation.
Fast forward a couple of years, and I’ve picked up an agent, Amy Boggs at Donald Maass, and a second publisher, Forever Yours. One thing has remained constant, and that is my love of writing and my dedication to better my craft with every book.”
That’s a fascinating and encouraging road you’ve traveled. Looking back at all you’ve undergone up to this point in your career as an author, what would you have done differently?
“Several things come to mind, but I don’t think I would change them if I could. They’re part of who I am and how I got to this point. So I don’t regret the mistakes I have made.
I will say that the best way to avoid making mistakes is to do your research. Two of the best resources out there are Absolute Write and Romance Divas. Use them.”
What does your writing process look like?
“My process may look like a mess from the outside, but inside…okay. It’s still a mess. I like to think of it as organized chaos. I’m a pantser, so I start books with a wisp of an idea. For A Hint of Frost, I had been thinking how much I love vampires. But I wanted something different, a concept that would stand out in readers’ minds. So I thought—spiders!”
And I, personally, couldn’t be more grateful to see someone diverge so uniquely from that well-traveled Vampire highway. ^_^ On that note, I’d like to break and give readers a little taste of your story.
Fear kept my steps nimble. All my life, sentries had guarded these underground tunnels beneath the city of Erania. There was no one now. My clansmen hid in their nests, on my orders.
Darkness warped my sense of direction as cold shriveled the marrow in my bones.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
I froze. Were those…footsteps? Pressing my back against the chilled earth of the tunnel walls, I waited for the intruder to pass. No one materialized from whence I’d come. Yet the pounding stuffed my ears. Slumping, I realized my heart was to blame.
Another time, I would have laughed at how I leapt at shadows in my own clan home, but not this night. No doubt the one shadow I failed to outmaneuver would belong to an invader, the one footstep I ignored would be the one to crush me, and the one breath I held would be my last.
The people of my clan, the Araneidae, were gentle silk spinners, artisans without armaments.
I was one of the few Araneidae who favored weapons. Ironic I was unarmed now. Habit made my fingers creep down my thigh, but my quiver was absent and my bow leaned forgotten in a corner of my room. I’d been dressed for bed, not battle, when I witnessed first blood spilled.
Those who had been our guardians when my head sank into my pillow, the Theridiidae clan, had attacked during the night. The murderous bastards had betrayed us. Casualties littered the city above. Wounded huddled in the tunnel behind me, lives I had but this chance to save. I’d sent a plea for aid to the one clan cruel enough to stave off the Theridiidae invasion and, I hoped, merciful enough I hadn’t signed my death warrant by exposing my soft underbelly to them.
Gods, I hoped the Mimetidae weren’t hungry.
Light burned ahead, marking the tunnel’s end. Creeping to the edge where dark tunnel met lit square, I scanned the cobbled roads for intruders. I saw none. No shadows danced. No sound carried. All was quiet in this forgotten sector where stone statuary stood as silent sentinels to the night.
Swallowing a bitter lump, I stepped from protection onto the uneven pavers.
Frigid winds sliced my cheeks raw, and my breath hung in clouds suspended before me.
Between one frantic beat of my heart and the next, darkness coalesced and Theridiidae warriors bled from the shadows I’d just deemed safe. Their faces were familiar. They’d been employed by my father. Sightless eyes…blackened skin…the stink of rotten flesh…both dead…
I squeezed my eyes shut, stomach roiling, ready to spill.
“You’re out past your curfew, aren’t you, Lourdes?” The guard’s concern rang genuine until my eyes opened and I caught the eager gleam in his. “Your father will worry.” He presented his arm to me. This morning I would have accepted it without hesitation. “I’ll take you home.”
His companions smirked, confirming my suspicions. They were conspirators as well.
“Thank you.” Winter’s chill kissed my bare shoulders, and I shivered. “I know my way.”
“Do you now?” He stared where my nipples pebbled so hard they burned. “The city at night is a dangerous place.” He rubbed his jaw. “You’re wearing but a scrap of silk.”
“I forgot my coat.” I forced an embarrassed smile and poised to turn. “I’ll go fetch it.”
He nodded. “I’ll go with you.”
No.” My voice rang brittle with the cold and my fear. “I mean, I can do it myself.”
“Is there something the matter?” His name came to me. Tyrone. He and his men were Theridiidae and guardians of the wall. They had once been trustworthy. Now they would die.
A bulky male at Tyrone’s right lumbered forward. “Enough. Look at her eyes. They’re all white. Barely a pinprick of blue is left.” He leered at me, leaning closer. “This one—she knows.”
“I’d hoped this could be done humanely.” Tyrone sighed. “Forgive me, child, but this battle must be won.” He dipped his chin at Bulky. “Calum, she’s yours. Keep her quiet.”
My next move would dictate how my life ended. Here and now, or at a more distant hour.
“I’ve something to occupy her mouth nicely.” Calum reached a meaty hand toward me. I darted aside and he stumbled. A smile tempted my lips. I’m faster. I can wear him down. I can…
I gasped as thick arms circled my waist from behind. Another of Tyrone’s guards had sneaked behind me. I couldn’t breathe. Dots swarmed my vision. No. I would not die this way.
“You’ll like this,” he murmured by my ear. “Or not.”
I struggled in his hold. “I will not speak with traitors.”
“Don’t worry your pretty head.” He licked my pulse. “Calum’s not much for talking.”
This night, neither was I. I was not a warrior born, but perhaps a warrior made.
Icy adrenaline trickled through my veins. I was half Theridiidae, trained by one of their best strategists, my father. The short stature and delicate build I’d inherited from Mother’s clan meant no one suspected the tricks he’d taught me. Araneidae spun silk ten times the strength of the strongest metals, and my fingertips tingled where my spinnerets loosed a single silken thread.
And a worthy sampling that was! Thank you. ^_^
Did you work with critique partners?
“Yes. I have two primary critique partners and several beta readers.”

You sound exceptionally well prepared in the polishing department. And speaking from experience, it does show in the quality of your work.
What book or movie would you claim as your favorite source of inspiration?
“Hmm. That’s a tough one. I don’t think I have a favorite source, but it wasn’t until I read Darkfever by Karen Moning that I discovered the romance genre. Once I read that book, I devoured her backlist. So I credit that novel for sparking my love of UF and romance.
What do you have in mind for your next project?
“My next project is book one in a new series. I can’t go into detail yet, but I’m excited to get started.”
Irrelevant, nonsensical questions:

If you could have any Disney sidekick animal as a manifestation of your muse, which one would you pick and why?

“Meeko from Pocahontas. I raised a raccoon when I was a kid. I love the sounds they make and how their hands are always moving. It’s like they don’t see anything until they’ve touched it.”
Ah yes, those rascally raccoons. I know I could easily see my muse embodied by such a persistently tactile and ADD-addled critter. >.>
Paper, plastic, or BYOB (bring your own bag)?
“Paper. (I’m a crafter and I hoard them!)
Sounds like a practical recycling program. And, last but not least…
If you were left stranded on an island infested by zombies, what two items would you want to have with you?
“As long as I had a machete and fire, I think I’d be okay.”
I think we can all admire your hands-on approach to zombie management. >.> Thank you for your time, Hailey! It’s been a pleasure getting to know you better, and giving potential readers a feel for your new series.

Hailey loves to hear from readers. You can drop her a line here.
You can also swing by her blog or subscribe to her newsletter for all her latest news.

Additional links for Hailey Edwards:

I Predict A Hit

Have you ever encountered something and immediately recognized it was destined to be a ‘big deal?’ Maybe you picked up something like Harry Potter or Twilight when they first came out (before the teaming, obnoxious hordes of fandom)…or perhaps you acknowledged the genius of leggings before they became an official fad (the first time around). That’s how I felt after reading ‘A Hint Of Frost’ — like I’d just made a privileged discovery and now had only to wait for the rest of the world to catch on…

I know I’ve never posted any of my book reviews here, but since my last post was centered around a few loose pointers on the how-tos of book reviewing, I figure I owe you an example. In doing so, I’m going to kill two metaphorical birds with one equally metaphorical stone. You see, it also gives me the opportunity to introduce you to the best book find I’ve made since I began reviewing for RT.

A Hint Of Frost – by Hailey Edwards

(Paranormal/Fantasy Romance)

4 1/2 Stars!

Review: ‘The author spins an action-packed story of intrigue and betrayal, with an endearing romance at its heart. I adore a good marriage of convenience tale that turns into much more – and this one is exceptional. The dialogue is strong, the storyline compelling, and the prose artful. I nearly devoured this book in a single sitting, I was so hesitant to put it down once I’d been caught in its web.

Though a bit more physical description would have helped me initially to immerse myself and distinguish between characters, the detraction was minimal. The fantasy world setting is vaguely familiar in a brutal, medieval sort of way, but still satisfyingly foreign. I found the idea of humans with spider-like characteristics to be both original and fascinating. And the concept, along with the culture, was handled with elegance.

Lourdes is competent and relatable heroine, in spite of circumstances, counterbalanced by a keen hero I was happy to root for. I was also pleased to see the author juggle a number of children/adolescent side-characters, and volatile sibling relationships, with a deft authenticity. If this book heralds a series, I will happily be keeping an eye out for the next one.’

If you’re even remotely interested, bear in mind that the release date is this coming Tuesday, April 17th, 2012. And on that day, I’ll be hosting a special interview with author Hailey Edwards. She’s been so kind as to offer up a FREE EBOOK for one lucky commenter! So be sure to check back.

See you Tuesday, peeps! 🙂


Read Any Good Book Reviews Lately?

Book reviews are of vital importance to the publishing industry. Readers need someone to be their advocate–aid them in making informed consumer decisions. And authors deserve to be given a fair shake through the sieve of opinion. But to be frank, not all book reviews are helpful.

I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that reviews can vary drastically from person to person. Just about anyone can sign up for an account on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, or Goodreads–there are no competency qualifications beyond figuring out how to register. And so, the quality of reviews can vary from eloquent and thorough essays, to the ever rousing: “THIS BOOK SUCKS!!!!!!!”

There are a number of reasons why I decided to become a book reviewer:

I was already doing a good deal of reading, and the chance to be one of the first to read an up-and-coming book had a certain appeal to me. As did the prospect of discovering a new author whose style I might particularly enjoy. And then there’s the perk of expanding my personal library and feeding my addiction…

While I was initially concerned that reviewing might become yet another time-sucker — devouring precious minutes I could instead devote to my own work — I’ve discovered along the way that my writing has benefited from the investment. On default, reviewing trained me to dissect and study what I was reading. Picking out the strengths and weaknesses in other people’s works has gone a long way toward taking off the blinders–helping me review my manuscripts with more objectivity. I’d heard that reviewing could have this effect, but now, I can vouch for it personally. If you’re looking for a way to strength your writing, consider reviews as a possible tool for honing your craft.

(And don’t worry! If you’re afraid of losing friends and alienating people with your honesty, however mild and well-intended, there is always the option to review under a separate moniker. 🙂 )

When I started out reviewing books, I kept a pen handy and marked my place with a blank sheet of paper. As I went, I’d jot down any notes or thoughts that I was even remotely tempted to write in the margins. I then used a few personal guidelines when it came time to organize my accumulated commentary. I put them together after reading countless reviews–trying to determine what made them either helpful or useless to my ultimate book purchase decision.

#1. I will not limit my review to one or two sentences.

I almost always end up ignoring excessively short reviews. Whether they be glowing endorsement, or venomous denouncement, they tend to be emotionally charged and unlikely to express what people actually need to know.

#2. I will avoid extremes in rating, unless I REALLY meant it.

1-star and 5-star ratings have always made me a little suspicious. Okay, a LOT suspicious. Whenever someone raves/rants of how a book was the best or worst piece of literature they’ve ever laid eyes on, a snarky little voice in the back of my head goes, “Really? And just how vast is your pool of reading experience?” Yes, that would be the little voice I have to (and should) switch off when I get down to doing my own reviews. Ah, tact…the final frontier. >.>

In my mind, everybody gets 1 free star just for finishing and publishing the book. They get another automatic star if they’ve had enough respect for readers to have the book edited in any credible capacity. All additional stars must be earned, preferably in 1/2 star increments, through prose, plot, finesse, emotional conveyance, guile, etc. It’s pretty rare that I hand out a 5 star rating to anything that isn’t in some way a classic. (For the most part, you need to be dead and/or happen to have the last name of Tolkein, Lewis, Bronte’, Herbert, or Lee. I assure you, it’s nothing personal!)

#3. I will justify my rating without giving away the ending.

Spoilers. I sometimes have to let a minor one slip here and there–particularly when I’m taking issue with logic or consistency points. I might even express my rapture or dissatisfaction with the story’s sense of closure. But I have no desire to be ‘that goober’ who ruins the mystery for everyone.

Those were my basic rules of review conduct, up until I took an extensive 3 week workshop on the art of book reviewing. (Many thanks to Lowcountry Romance Writers! ) Since then, I’ve been able to add a bit more structure to my methods. My new and more comprehensive modus operandi looks something like this:

Hook + Summery + Analysis + Closure = Book Review

The breakdown:

-A hook statement, fact, quote, etc.–draws readers in and, in a more professional capacity, can potentially give authors a snippit to work with later in their promotions. (Unless, of course, I don’t have especially positive feelings about the book overall. Then I will likely be more bland with the opener.)

-A quick summary of content, preferably without repeating what is readily available in the book blurb.

-An analysis of the writing itself (comments and criticisms), providing a detailed evaluation along with justifying examples. The goal being to touch on at least half of the following: Plot, descriptive elements, dialogue, target audience, grammatical & editing elements, characterization, character development, conflict, pacing, prose, flow, and point-of-view.

-A closing statement serves to tie everything together. This is also an opportunity to supply one last encouraging push of recommendation or, in some cases, regretful warning.

Given everything I’ve picked up recently, I think I have a few old reviews to go back and adjust. Ah, well. We learn by doing. 🙂

Tell me about how book reviews affect you! Do reviews have any bearing on how you decide to spend your time and money? Where do you like to get your reviews?

C.J. Redwine Book Cover

This just in!

Mere hours ago, the cover design and blurb for C.J. Redwine’s long awaited YA novel, Defiance, was finally released for public viewing. And I’ve got the sneak peek right here. If that wasn’t enough, until 8pm central time on May 1st you can visit C.J.’s blog and enter her giveaway. (See link beneath the blurb):

Defiance Cover

Anyone else feeling a twinge of cover-envy? I can only hope and pray for an illustrator this skilled.
